Setting Check / Credit Card Trailers

Setting up Check Trailers:
  1. Log into Manager Console (MC)
  2. Click “Setup”.
  3. Click “Check Trailers”.
  4. Click the terminal(s) you want to use the check trailer to highlight them.
  5. Check the box “Ctr” if you want the message centered on the receipt, and check the box for “Wide” if you want it to print in a wide font. NOTE: These checkboxes are optional.
  6. Type in the message you want to appear at the bottom of the receipt in the space to the right of these checkboxes.
  7. Click “Save” when you are finished.

Setting up Credit Card Trailers:

  1. Log into Manager Console (MC).
  2. Click “Setup”.
  3. Click “Credit card trailers”.
  4. Follow steps 4-7 as described above.