Credit card tips must be entered for all credit card transactions before a server or bartender can check out, even if there was no tip left on the credit card.
- Confirm the server/bartender has no open tables. If they have open tables, these open tables must be closed or transferred to another server/bartender. Transferring tables may or may not require manager approval based on your specific restaurant’s security settings. How to check out a server or bartender
- While the server is logged in, touch “server menu” in the bottom right corner of the dining area screen.
- Touch “Check Out”.
- Enter total for ALL tips, INCLUDING credit card tips.
- Clock out, if applicable
A server checkout slip will print on the local receipt printer detailing the server’s sales, statistics such as guest average, exception totals (such as voids, comps, etc), credit card tips, and amount owed to the restaurant. This slip should be taken to the manager on duty and dealt with in accordance with your restaurant’s check out policy.