Credit card tips must be entered for all credit card transactions before a server or bartender can check out, even if there was no tip left on the credit card.
You can check how much you’ve made in credit card tips throughout the night by going to server menu – cashier tip report.
It is not recommended to enter tips for more than 10 transactions at a time before touching “Submit” because the system may time out if left dormant for too long, depending on the security settings for your specific restaurant. We recommend entering tips throughout the night as you receive them.
- While on the table layout screen, touch “Server Menu” at the bottom right of the screen and touch “Enter Credit Tips” How to enter credit card tips
- Find the transaction that matches the amount and name on the credit card receipt and touch it.
- Type in the amount of the tip left on the credit card and touch “Ok”.
- The system will display the base amount, tip amount entered, and new total. Review the new amount displayed to confirm accuracy and touch “Ok”.
- Touch “submit” at the bottom of the screen.
Adding to Automatic Gratuity Checks: If an additional tip was left on a credit card for a transaction that involved automatic gratuity, touch “Show all” at the bottom of the credit card tip screen to display these transactions. When entering the tip amount, you will enter the entire tip amount OR the additional tip depending on what software version your site is running. (Ex: If not on version 3.8.03 or later, if auto gratuity is $5 and they leave an additional $2, you MUST enter $7.)
Review the new amount displayed to confirm accuracy!!!!!!!
If after step 4, you receive an error “Item Missing”, it is likely that someone already batched the credit card transactions.