Posting Payroll / Payroll Report Terms

  1. Click “Employees”
  2. Click “Post Payroll”
  3. Select a date that is the last day of any payroll period that payroll has already been ran for.
  4. A message will appear stating you are about to remove all payroll records before the date you selected. Click “OK”
  5. Click “Done”


Understanding Payroll Report Data Sales: 
Sales: This is the dollar amount of items sold by a server. It only includes departments marked as “tippable” and does not include tax. Please note sales are calculated by who rang up the item, not who accepted payment for the item, so its possible to have sales and no credit card data or vice versa, especially in a cashier environment.
Tips: This is the dollar amount of tips declared by a server when they check out.
CR TTL: This is the dollar amount of credit card payments taken by a server. This total does not include tips.
CR SL: This is the dollar amount of credit card payments taken by a server in which a customer left a credit card tip. This total does not include tips.