Running Historical Reports

To run reports for historical data:


  1. Open Manager Console
  2. Highlight the report category you wish to review, such as “Transaction Reports” or “Payroll Reports”. This will display reports within that category.
  3. Click the report you wish to run and/or print.
  4. After choosing a report, you will be presented with some options. For example, in the case of the Daily Sales Report, you will be prompted for a date range, revenue centers and time periods. Be sure to browse all options before previewing or printing the report. Click the “Run Printer Setup” box in the bottom left corner to only print certain pages.
  5. Once you’ve set these parameters, you can click “Print” to send the report to the computer’s default printer, or click “Preview” to display the report on your screen.
  6. Different reports will require different parameters, but all reports can be either printed or viewed on the screen using the Print or Preview buttons.