If you notice a discrepancy in any of your reports, you can use the following steps to troubleshoot these. For this case example, we’re going to use Taxable Sales being higher than Net Sales.
When this occurs, it usually means that an item is either being taxed an incorrect amount, or the item has an incorrect Sales Category
1. Figure out which tax ID belongs to which department. You can do this by going to Setup -> Taxes, selecting a tax and clicking the “Edit” button. This screen will show you what ID belongs to this Tax. The tax in the picture below has an ID of “1”. You will need to know which Tax Department has which ID for all Tax departments you are altering.

2. After mapping out each tax to its ID, we can navigate to Merchandise -> Modify Merchandise. If you are having a discrepancy in one department, you can sort items by Department by selecting “Department” in the drop-down menu at the top left of this screen. If you are unsure of where the discrepancy lies, you can select “None” in this drop-down, which will show you every active item in your system on the right-hand side.

3. Once we have the correct menu items listed out, select the “Bulk Edit” button on the right-hand side. This screen will let you see and change 2 details about each item, in a list. For our example, we are wanting to check the Tax Department and Sales Category by changing the drop-down menus at the top. (See photo.)

4. Look through each item and verify that it has the correct sales department and tax ID for the type of item. For example, “1/2 Baby Back Ribs” is an Entree and needs to be in the “Entrees” sales category and needs standard Sales Tax, which is “1” in this example. (See photo above.)
5. Once you are ready to move on to the next page of items, you can click the Save/Next button to save any changed information on the current page and move to the next page. Repeat this process until you have changed all the information you find incorrect.
If these instructions do not resolve the discrepancy, please give us a call at 1-888-378-3768.